Define Magnetic lines of forces,magnetic induction field strength and its units

 Magnetic Lines

  • Magnetic lines of force are imaginary lines that are used to describe the direction of a magnetic field. 
  • These lines represent the flow of magnetic field and are drawn in such a way that they form closed loops and never intersect or cross each other. 
  • They start from the north pole of a magnet and flow towards the south pole.

Magnetic Induction

  • Magnetic induction (also called magnetic flux density) is a measure of the strength of a magnetic field. 
  • It is defined as the amount of magnetic field passing through a unit area perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field. 
  • The unit of magnetic induction is the tesla (T).

The formula for magnetic induction is given by:

B = μ * H


  • B is the magnetic induction in tesla (T),
  • μ is the permeability of the medium, and
  • H is the magnetic field strength in ampere-turns per meter (A-t/m).