Define magnetism and its law, magnetic field




Magnetism is a force that occurs between certain materials, such as iron, nickel, and cobalt, that causes them to attract or repel other magnetic materials.

Laws of Magnetism: 

There are several laws that describe how magnets behave.

  • The first law states that a magnet always has two poles, a north pole and a south pole.
  • The second law states that like poles repel each other, while opposite poles attract. 
  • The third law states that the strength of a magnetic field decreases as the distance from the magnet increases.

Magnetic Field: 

  • A magnetic field is the area around a magnet where magnetic forces are exerted. 
  • It is a three-dimensional space that can be visualized as lines of magnetic flux that flow from the north pole to the south pole of a magnet. 
  • The strength of the magnetic field can be measured in units of tesla (T) or gauss (G).