Example of Conservation of Energy in the case of a Freely Falling Body

Here's a short and simple example of the Conservation of Energy in the case of a freely falling body:

  • Potential Energy: A body falling from height has potential energy.
  • Kinetic Energy: As it falls, it gains speed and converts potential energy to kinetic energy.
  • Terminal Velocity: Body reaches maximum kinetic energy at terminal velocity.
  • Conversion Back to Potential Energy: As it approaches the ground, it slows down and converts kinetic energy back to potential energy.
  • Conservation of Energy: Total energy stays the same, as energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another.

example on apple

Here's a short example of the Conservation of Energy using an apple:

  • Potential Energy: Apple hanging from a tree has potential energy.
  • Kinetic Energy: Falls, converts potential energy to kinetic energy.
  • Maximum Speed: Reaches max speed, determined by air resistance and gravity.
  • Thermal Energy: Hits ground, converts kinetic energy to thermal energy.
  • Conservation of Energy: Total energy stays constant, transforms from one form to another.