Limitations of dimensional analysis

 Limitations of Dimensional Analysis:

  • Dimensional analysis is a useful tool for checking the consistency and accuracy of measurements and calculations, but it has some limitations.
  • Cannot determine the actual value: Dimensional analysis can only check the dimensions of physical quantities, it cannot determine the actual value of the quantities.
  • Cannot determine the physical relationships: Dimensional analysis cannot determine the physical relationships between physical quantities, such as the relationship between force and acceleration.
  • Cannot determine the form of an equation: Dimensional analysis cannot determine the form of an equation, such as the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration in Newton's second law.
  • Simplifying assumptions: Dimensional analysis assumes that physical quantities can be described by a simple relationship, such as a linear relationship. However, in some cases, physical quantities may have a more complex relationship.
  • Lack of detail: Dimensional analysis can provide a rough estimate of the relationship between physical quantities, but it cannot provide detailed information about the relationship.