Qualities of sound


a. Pitch:

  • Pitch refers to the perceived highness or lowness of a sound, which is directly related to the frequency of the sound wave. 
  • High-pitched sounds have a high frequency, while low-pitched sounds have a low frequency.

b. Duration: 

  • Duration refers to the length of time a sound lasts. 
  • This can be measured in seconds or any other unit of time.

c. Intensity: 

  • Intensity is a measure of the energy of a sound wave, and is directly related to its amplitude.
  • Intensity is usually measured in decibels (dB). High-intensity sounds are louder, while low-intensity sounds are quieter.

d. Timbre:

  • Timbre is the quality of a sound that distinguishes it from other sounds with the same pitch and intensity. 
  • It is related to the complexity of the sound wave and the relative strengths of different frequency components of the wave. 
  • Timbre allows us to differentiate between different instruments playing the same note and at the same volume.